Three of 8 beds with grids - peas, lettuces, chards, beets, radishes, spinach, bok choy, cabbage, leeks, cilantro and carrots have been NEATLY planted. Kits for each bed included: students' own spring garden layout, pre-cut yarns, thumbtacks, chalk, a ruler, and tongue depressors to label the sections with the names of the seeds planted. Students worked in pairs: measuring, positioning the yarn, and planting the seeds they wanted as per packet directions. How many seeds are needed for a 3' row if the seeds need to be placed at 4" intervals. H-m-m-m! Math in the garden?
Beds were partially planted. Middle bed includes a large buttercrunch lettuce and some kale that wintered over. Front bed includes a plug of buttercrunch lettuce being grown outdoors for an annual Lettuce Challenge.
Notice the milk jugs from the winter sowing project. Seedlings are still growing and will be removed once they are sturdy enough to be transplanted into the prepared beds.
And on June 11th - here's what we have to harvest so far. Looking good!